Directed by: Fred J. Lincoln Stars: Holly Joy, Hillary Summers, David Morris, Blair Harris, Susan Nero, Lisa K. Loring Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Description: Wacky, wild, way-out hillbilly adventures are yours for the taking in Daisy . . . This Content Available to see only for PAID MEMBERS ! […]
Lisa K. Loring
Fantasyworld (1979) watch uncut
Directed by: Bob Chinn, Jeffrey Fairbanks Stars: Laurien Dominique, Jesie St. James, Sharon Kane, Liz Eldridge, Valerie Darlyn, Brigit Olsen (as Cheryl Carson), Francesca Bates, Marlene Munroe, Lisa K. Loring, Lee LeMay Language: English Country: Usa |
Female Athletes (1980) watch uncut
Directed by: Leonard Kirtman Stars: Annette Haven, John Holmes, Desiree Cousteau, Chris Cassidy, DesireeWest, HoneyHoliday, Dorothy LeMay, Karen Boston, Marlene Munroe, Lisa K. Loring Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Description: The publisher of a sports magazine graphically recalls how she got to the top of her profession . . . […]
Sadie (1982) watch uncut
Directed by: Bob Chinn Stars: Chris Cassidy, Jerome Deeds, Gary Eberhart, Deborah Sullavan, Diana Holt, Lisa K. Loring, Cantara Christopher Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Also known as: The Insatiable Sadie the Whore Description: This is the story of Sadie, a high priced
Summer School (1979) watch uncut
Directed by: Stu Segall Stars: Laurien Dominique, R.J. Reynolds, Don Fernando, Lisa K. Loring, Lysa Thatcher, Sharon Kane, Pat Manning Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Also known as: Curso de verano con el pepino en la mano, Sexo em Alta Escola Description: When Jamie’s boyfriend tries pressuring her […]