Directed by: John Amero, Lem Amero Stars: Uta Erickson, Darcy Brown, Chuck Federico, Lydia Burns, Patricia Kleb, Roberta Scardera, Pat Agers, Larue Watts, Roberta Findlay Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Description: Follows a young woman as she travels through the strange,
John Amero
The Curse of Her Flesh (1968) watch uncut
Directed by: Michael Findlay Stars: Eve Bork, Michael Findlay, Ron Skideri Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Description: A weapons dealer catches his wife, a stripper, cheating on him with another man. He runs away only to be hit by a car, resulting in his losing an eye and becoming […]
Diary of a Swinger (1967) watch online
Directed by: John Amero, Lem Amero Stars: Rita Bennett, Rose Conti, Bill Field, Ronald Durling, Joe Harris, Larry Costner, Janet Banzet, Lem Amero, Ron Skideri Language: English Country: Usa Also known as : Journal secret d’un mannequin Description: “Diary Of A Swinger” vividly portrays the private hell beneath the public . […]
The Lusting Hours (1967) watch online
Directed by: John Amero, Lem Amero Actors: Roberta Findlay, Michael Findlay, Jean Reynolds Language: English Country: USA Also known as: The Love Hours, The Wanting Hours Description:A smorgasbord of intimate deviance is on display in this Mondo-styled mockmentary from the golden age of sexploitation. The Lusting Hours is presented as an exposé of “sex for […]