Directed by: Gregory Dark Stars: Danyel Cheeks, Nikki Dial, Jon Dough, Jeanna Fine, Leanna Foxxx, Heather Hart, Cal Jammer, Francesca Lé, Tiffany Million, Brittany O’Connell, Jennifer Peace, Lacy Rose, Rocco Siffredi, P.J. Sparxx Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Description: A man takes his
frigid wife
The Seduction of Cindy (1980) watch uncut
Directed by: Leonard Kirtman Stars: Seka, Samantha Fox, Serena, Sharon Mitchell, Merle Michaels, Veronica Hart Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Description: Frustrated husband Michael asks his vivacious mistress Jennifer to seduce his cold fish wife Cindy as a means to . . . This Content Available to see only […]
When Love Is Lust (1973) watch uncut
irected by: Vittorio De Sisti Stars: Agostina Belli, Gianni Macchia, Ewa Aulin, Françoise Prévost, Femi Benussi Language: Italian | Subtitles: English Country: Italy | IMDB Info Also known as: Quand l’amour devient sensualité, Apigorevmenes aisthiseis, Quando l’amore è sensualità Description: A young girl marries a handsome and successful but . […]
Prison Girls (1972) watch uncut
Directed by: Tom DeSimone Stars: Jacqueline Giroux, Annik Borel, Tracy Handfuss Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Description: Six female prisoners are given a weekend furlough to prepare them for their upcoming parole. While out, they all have miscellaneous sexual experiences, some good, some bad. One returns to her pimp […]
The All-American Woman (1976) watch uncut
Directed by: Mark Haggard Stars: Marilyn James, Steve Bennet, Robbie Mayhew, Linda Weeks, Ward Egan Language: English Country: Uk | Imdb Info Also known as: The Dreams of Laura Description: A sexually confused, emotionally unstable woman, who is afraid that she’ll never have “a real man”, finds herself becoming increasingly attracted […]