Directed by: Scott P. Levy Stars: Lisa Boyle (as Cassandra Leigh), Justin Carroll, Rachel Reed, Stephanie Champlin, Ashlie Rhey, Melissa Dutton, Lisa Collins, Nicole Grey, Beverly Gray Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Description: Between the realms of fantasy and reality lies Club Fugazi, a strip bar where the girls are being […]
child molestation
The Molesters (1963) watch uncut
Directed by: Franz Schnyder Stars: Peter Markus, Peter Arens, Freddy Karsten, Julia Vonderlinn, Rosalinde Renn, Ellen Widmann Language: English Country: Switzerland | Imdb Info Also known as: Der Sittlichkeitsverbrecher Description: In exploring sex offenses, particularly against children, this film reveals the inner workings of the Zurich police and INTERPOL as they […]
Olivier, Olivier (1992) watch uncut
Directed by: Agnieszka Holland Stars: Frédéric Quiring ,Faye Gatteau, Emmanuel Morozof, Brigitte Roüan, François Cluzet, Carole Lemerle Language: Italian | Subtitles: English Country: France | Imdb Info Description: Olivier, the nine-year-old son of Elisabeth and Serge, a country veterinarian, vanishes one afternoon on the way to his grandmother’s house. The […]