Directed by: Carter Stevens Stars: Barbara Carson, Judith Hamilton, Georgina Spelvin, Ginger Snaps, Kim Pope, Marlene Foster, Melissa Evers, Susan Sloan, Jamie Gillis, Eric Edwards, Rita Davis, Tia von Davis Language: English Country: Usa |
Barbara Carson
My Master My Love (1975) watch uncut
Directed by: Ralph Ell Stars: Darby Lloyd Rains, Alan Marlow, Barbara Carson, Annie Sprinkle Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Description: Vicious dominatrix Margaret (a perfectly steely and overbearing Darby Lloyd Rains) lives in an apartment with . . . This Content Available to see only for PAID MEMBERS ! […]
Big Abner (1975) watch uncut
Directed by: Leonard Kirtman Stars: Sonny Landham, Bobby Astyr, Barbara Carson, Sherry Cass Language: English Country: Usa | Imdb Info Description: In this parody of the comic strip “Li’l Abner”, a hillbilly named Big Abner, who is the “champion of the mountain folk”, spends much of his time pleasuring the […]